Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2011 Recap and Hope & Dreams for 2012

So 2011 was a year filled with its highs and lows. But for the most part, i cant complain.

january 2011: This was a fun filled month! On January 5th 2011 we welcomed our second son, Nolan. Labor was quick and easy. I went into labor on jan 4th at around 2pm, Tommy took me to the hospital at around 7:00 pm and the nurse confirmed i was dilated at a 3 and labor just progressed from there. Nolan was born at 9:56 am on jan 5th after 2 easy pushes. Hes was so tiny, 7lbs 3oz. and he was a pund a half smaller then Trent was haha. He was so tiny.

My 23rd birthday was also in January. it was pretty low key. since i had a 2 week old baby. got together with good friends and went to Buca Di Beppo.

February thru April 2011: Nothing major to report except that i was adjusting to life as a mother of 2 (adjusting on little to no sleep may i add)

May 2011: Trent turned 2 and we had a pirate birthday party to celebrate with all our family and friends. We had a lot of fun and Trent was spoiled as usual.

June-July 2011: Nothing major to report just enjoying summer. Tommy and i took a trip up to Napa in July. We had a blast and tasted some amaazing wines, met some awesome people, ate phenomenal food and just enjoyed being together without the chaos the boys bring.

August 2011: Tommy started law school at Cal southern law school in Riverside. So i pretty much became a single mother 3 nights a week. YIKES!

September 2011: Tommy turned 31 and we celebrated with a microbrewery tour in San Diego, CA. It was a blast. we drank some great beer and had some good times with Friends.

October: Nolans first halloween & Trents first "Real" halloween. He had so much fun and got a lot of yummy treats.

Novmeber 2011: Tommy and i celebrated our 3rd year of marriage, and had a nice thanksgiving with family and friends.

December 2011: This month was crazy. Nolans first christmas, The boys got sick & i got sick. Tommys grandma passed away on December 15th and that was really hard. Tommy is very close to his grandparents and it was tough especially so close to the holidays. New Years eve was low key and we stayed home with the boys and made smoked salmon in Tommy's new smoker and watched season 4 of Sons of Anarchy.

I hope that 2012 brings a lot of success for my husbands business & happiness to my friends and family. I hope that my boys continue to grow and blossom into smart, funny, active little kids who love life and all it has to offer. They are already so curious and keep me on my toes. I hope that i find a job in the paralegal field and can start helping my husband with money around the house. I feel bad that he has to work all the time. i hope we dont lose any other close family or friends in 2012 like we did in 2011 and that this year is prosperous for all.

happy 2012 friends, lets make this year THE year!


<3 Ash

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