Thursday, December 29, 2011

First post!

So, i thought with a new year almost here and some free time, why not start a blog! I have things to write about, my life is interesting enough, I think (i hope)

Anyways, being a stay at home mom of 2 boys both under the age of 2, and a husband who owns his own business, is attending law School and is an amateur home brewer, i have PLENTY of things to say. Most of them are going to be about the craziness that goes on in and around my home.

Im going to start this post off with a christmas recap. This year was Nolans first christmas and Trents first christmas where he actually knew who Santa Clause is (and isnt afraid) so it was a good one.

Unfortunately, on December 15th we lost someone who was very close to my Husband and whom i have grown to love over the years, his grandma. That wasnt the best way to kick off the Holiday season, but thats life, and it isnt alway s fair I guess.

So this brings us to 12/23/2011: Nolan and Trents first trip to the SNOW! We went up to Big Bear the Friday before Christmas and took the boys sledding for the first time. It was awesome. We found a spot on the side of the road where a bunch of other people had stopped to play in the snow too. Trent loved it, he even went down the hill all by himself on the sled. I was nervous, but he got the hang of it pretty quick and hung on like a champ. Nolan wasnt too sure at first, but he has fun going down the hill on the sled with Tommy and I.

Christmas Eve: So on Christmas Eve we went to my aunts house in Corona. It was good to see the whole family and my Grandma was here from Ohio. My Aunt who lives in Ohio sent all the cousins hats she had picked out for everyone. She got the boys a Beaver (Trent) and Chipmunk (Nolan) I got the owl (because im wise) and Tommy got this monster (I think his hat was the most accurate) It was really funny to see everyone reactions when each person opened their hat because they all fit everyone so well.

Christmas day: So Christmas Eve night Trent woke up at about midnight and was throwing up all night. Tommy spent the night on the floor in his room and i was up changing sheets every hour. poor kid. Nolan was up bright and early (5:30 am) and Trent was up as well, so we decided to go downstairs and open presents. Trent got the Hotwheels car tracks he has been wanting since Halloween time, and was so excited! Nolan got a CARS (like the movie) track and could have cared less lol. He was more into the paper and my ipad more then his toys. Oh well, the life of a baby. We had both my family and tommy's over for Christmas dinner, Tommy made Prime Rib and it was Fantastic! We opened more presents, ate our hearts out and then passed out on the couch (actually that was Tommy, i still have to get the kids in bed, clean up the kitchen and organize the chaos that was our living room)

Overall, the holidays were good this year, busy, chaotic and exhausting but HEY! thats why they only come once a year, because if it was more then that, we would probably all be dead.

Next up 2012.

Heres to 2011, Im not sorry to see you go.

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